1. 09/02/2025
Using OpenSearch API version 4 with Golang
2. 02/11/2024
Using AWS Secrets Manager in Golang
3. 01/11/2024
Using OpenSearch with Golang
4. 09/10/2024
Using NewRelic transactions, segments and events in Golang HTTP APIs
5. 08/09/2024
Creating a custom HTTP router with groups using Golang's standard library
6. 03/09/2024
Using NewRelic with Golang's standard library handler
7. 30/08/2024
Creating a custom Slog level in Golang
8. 18/08/2024
Custom not found and method not allowed middleware for new Golang net/http router
9. 18/08/2024
Using yaml for application configs and secrets in Golang
10. 15/08/2024
Extracting struct fields in Golang
11. 14/06/2024
Creating a consumer interceptor for Kafka in Golang
12. 14/06/2024
Creating a producer interceptor for Kafka in Golang
13. 11/06/2024
Creating a sync producer pool for transactional Kafka events in Golang
14. 10/06/2024
Server Sent Event example for real-time communications in Golang
15. 30/05/2024
Golang, OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, ElasticSearch and Kubernetes setup for application traces
16. 27/05/2024
Setting up multi cluster Kafka server with docker compose
17. 23/05/2024
Consuming specific Kafka topic partitions with a consumer group and ignoring others in Golang
18. 23/05/2024
Kafka consumer groups running on multiple application instances
19. 22/05/2024
Producing batch messages to Kafka using Golang
20. 21/05/2024
Kafka sync and async producer example in Golang
21. 20/05/2024
A sync Kafka producer and consumer example with Golang
22. 20/05/2024
Creating consumers for each partition of a Kafka topic in Golang
23. 20/05/2024
Checking Kafka topic existence in Golang
24. 20/05/2024
Preserving message ordering in Kafka
25. 17/05/2024
Setting up single broker Kafka server with Docker and using in a Golang service
26. 04/04/2024
Using new http router with Golang APIs
27. 16/02/2024
Creating an API rate limiter with Redis and Postgres in Golang
28. 30/01/2024
Signing and verifying a JWT token with ECDSA in Golang
29. 27/01/2024
Using ECDSA to sign and verify message in Golang
30. 23/01/2024
Creating a Golang HTTP client that can retry and backoff request
31. 21/01/2024
Using regex instead of build tags to differentiate unit and integration tests in Golang
32. 21/01/2024
Using integration tests for Postgres database and Docker in Golang
33. 21/01/2024
Using signal NotifyContext for graceful HTTP server shutdown in Golang
34. 21/01/2024
Using AWS ElastiCache for Redis in Golang applications
35. 19/01/2024
Using context from signal NotifyContext as HTTP base context in Golang
36. 13/01/2024
Setting GOMAXPROCS in Kubernetes for Golang applications
37. 27/09/2023
Using AWS DynamoDB table and Global Secondary Index for CRUD operations in Golang - v2
38. 23/09/2023
Using AWS DynamoDB table and Global Secondary Index for CRUD operations in Golang
39. 07/08/2023
A concurrent AWS S3 multipart upload example with Golang
40. 14/07/2023
Configuring AWS with Terraform to send alarm emails after detecting error or warning in CloudWatch logs
41. 14/07/2023
Configuring AWS with Terraform to regularly call AWS Lambda using EventBridge Scheduler
42. 28/06/2023
Using AWS EventBridge, SQS, Lambda, SNS, CloudWatch to setup scheduled asynchronous event driven architecture with Terraform
43. 23/06/2023
Sending emails with AWS SES in Golang applications
44. 10/06/2023
Creating an AWS Lambda Terraform module for Golang
45. 04/06/2023
Using pre-signed URL for AWS S3 file upload and download in Golang
46. 03/06/2023
AWS assume role for cross-account access using Golang applications
47. 07/05/2023
Traffic lights example with golang
48. 24/04/2023
Asynchronous worker pool example with Golang
49. 20/04/2023
Checking null field presence in Golang structs
50. 19/04/2023
Standardising Golang HTTP handler to return response and error
51. 19/04/2023
Standardising Golang HTTP handler to return error
52. 20/03/2022
GitOps style CI/CD setup using GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, Helm and Kubernetes
53. 23/02/2022
Managing Golang application secrets in local and kubernetes environments
54. 22/02/2022
Managing application configurations in local and kubernetes environments
55. 08/02/2022
Setting up an automated CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, Helm and Kubernetes
56. 03/02/2022
Application deployment with Helm and GitHub actions to Kubernetes cluster
57. 05/01/2022
Using AWS Parameter Store within a Golang application
58. 01/01/2022
Using AWS EventBridge to manually send events to Lambda functions in Golang
59. 01/01/2022
Calling a Golang AWS Lambda function periodically with a cron rule
60. 31/12/2021
Using same MySQL connection in AWS Lambda with Golang example
61. 30/12/2021
Invoking an AWS Lambda function in a Golang application using Localstack
62. 28/12/2021
Handling a single AWS Lambda handler in Golang using Localstack
63. 28/12/2021
Creating custom struct tags with Golang
64. 28/12/2021
Handling multiple AWS Lambda handlers in Golang using Localstack
65. 24/12/2021
A simple monorepo design that integrates with Docker and Kubernetes
66. 18/12/2021
Read, write and truncate file operations with Golang
67. 17/12/2021
Getting all objects from a AWS S3 bucket using Golang
68. 19/10/2021
Golang SFTP client-server example to upload and download files over SSH connection (streaming)
69. 18/10/2021
Golang SFTP client-server example to upload and download files over SSH connection
70. 18/09/2021
Parsing XML with Golang
71. 12/09/2021
Including and reading static files with embed directive at compile time in Golang
72. 27/08/2021
Creating a One-Time Password (OTP) library for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Golang
73. 15/08/2021
Simultaneously processing multiple jobs in a task with Golang
74. 12/08/2021
Managing application logs with EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluent-bit, Kibana) in Kubernetes
75. 01/08/2021
Deploying a Golang application to Kubernetes cluster using GitHub actions
76. 08/07/2021
Role-Based Access Control HTTP middleware in Golang
77. 31/05/2021
Elasticsearch pagination query in Golang
78. 28/05/2021
Creating gRPC protocol buffer files with Docker
79. 28/05/2021
A simple Elasticsearch CRUD example in Golang
80. 10/05/2021
OpenTelemetry HTTP client server example with Golang
81. 10/05/2021
OpenTelemetry gRPC client server example with Golang
82. 30/04/2021
Implementing OpenTelemetry and Jaeger tracing in Golang HTTP API
83. 26/04/2021
Collecting Golang application metrics with Prometheus in Kubernetes
84. 23/04/2021
Creating a temporary folder and file with Golang
85. 15/04/2021
Reading and decoding a large JSON file as in streaming fashion with Golang
86. 13/04/2021
Transferring files with gRPC client-side streams using Golang
87. 12/04/2021
Creating a client-side gRPC streaming with Golang
88. 05/04/2021
A simple AWS DynamoDB CRUD example in Golang
89. 28/03/2021
Using Golang and AWS SNS to create a HTTP client and server API
90. 17/03/2021
A basic setup for HashiCorp Vault to handle application secrets in Golang
91. 16/03/2021
Using MongoDB one-to-one relationships with embedded documents in Golang
92. 16/03/2021
Using MongoDB one-to-many relationships with embedded documents in Golang
93. 15/03/2021
Using MongoDB one-to-many relationships with document references in Golang
94. 15/03/2021
Using MongoDB one-to-many relationships to keep parent document reference in child document in Golang
95. 12/03/2021
A simple MongoDB CRUD example in Golang
96. 16/02/2021
Enabling Cassandra authentication in Golang
97. 14/02/2021
Graceful shutdown of Golang pods with Kubernetes
98. 11/02/2021
Cassandra pagination example with Golang
99. 06/02/2021
Unit testing panic recovery middleware in Golang
100. 01/02/2021
A simple Cassandra OAuth2 client and token model implementation with Golang
101. 01/02/2021
Forcing Go Docker container to wait for Cassandra container
102. 27/01/2021
Response middleware in Golang
103. 27/01/2021
Access log middleware in Golang
104. 26/01/2021
A synchronous and asynchronous AWS SQS worker example with Golang
105. 25/01/2021
A simple AWS SQS example with Golang using Localstack
106. 24/01/2021
A simple AWS SNS example with Golang using Localstack
107. 23/01/2021
A simple AWS S3 example with Golang using Localstack
108. 22/12/2020
General purpose struct to reduce dependency injection in Golang
109. 06/12/2020
Strategy pattern models with Golang
110. 15/11/2020
Running Nginx and Go containers in a single Kubernetes Pod
111. 14/11/2020
Start, pause, resume and terminate a goroutine with Golang
112. 10/11/2020
Deploying a database driven Golang application to Kubernetes
113. 07/11/2020
Signing messages and verifying integrity with a secret using HMAC in Golang
114. 01/11/2020
Creating and validating a JWT RSA token in Golang
115. 01/11/2020
Creating and validating a JWT HMAC token in Golang
116. 28/10/2020
Creating a server-side gRPC streaming with Golang
117. 30/09/2020
A terminal CLI application accepting plain and secret input from the user in Golang
118. 25/09/2020
Using Prometheus metrics in Golang and creating Grafana dashboard
119. 17/09/2020
Creating gRPC unary middleware/interceptor for client and server Golang applications
120. 15/09/2020
Cloning HTTP request context without cancel and deadline in Golang
121. 13/09/2020
Using TLS/SSL certificates for gRPC client and server communications in Golang - Updated
122. 10/09/2020
Handling a complex JSON request within a gRPC client and server Golang application
123. 27/08/2020
Connecting to RabbitMQ server from Golang with self-signing SSL certificates
124. 27/08/2020
Running limited goroutines at a time and gracefully exit using sync WaitGroup and errgroup
125. 27/08/2020
Creating a RabbitMQ package for Golang application
126. 13/08/2020
Using Redis transactions in Golang
127. 12/08/2020
Using Golang to store structs in Redis hashes
128. 08/08/2020
Cancelling all parent and child goroutines with sync errgroup if one fails in Golang
129. 22/07/2020
Using mocks in unit tests with Golang
130. 21/07/2020
Creating a gRPC protobuf library to use in client and server Golang applications
131. 19/07/2020
Unit testing Golang gRPC client and server application with bufconn package
132. 06/07/2020
Checking if RFC3339 or ISO 8601 time has expired in Golang
133. 05/07/2020
Using golang bench, benchstat and benchcmp to measure performance
134. 11/06/2020
Cancelling all running goroutines with a done channel as soon as one sends to channel in Golang
135. 10/06/2020
Using time ticker to do something repeatedly at regular intervals with Golang
136. 09/06/2020
Implementing the Functional Options or Options Pattern in Golang
137. 09/06/2020
Golang functional options with errors
138. 08/06/2020
An example HTTP JSON response package with Golang
139. 07/06/2020
An example HTTP JSON request validator package with Golang
140. 05/06/2020
RESTful HTTP API communicating with TCP server over HTTP network in Golang
141. 03/06/2020
RESTful HTTP API communicating with TCP server over TCP network in Golang
142. 29/05/2020
Creating a concurrent TCP client and server example with Golang
143. 27/05/2020
Event listener and dispatcher example with Golang
144. 26/05/2020
Implementing priority select within channels in Golang
145. 21/05/2020
Creating a RabbitMQ DLX (Dead Letter Exchange) example with Golang
146. 21/05/2020
Creating a RabbitMQ consumer example with Golang
147. 17/05/2020
Dynamically selecting and running the right implementation in Golang
148. 12/05/2020
Using interfaces to mock services in Golang tests
149. 09/05/2020
Creating a RabbitMQ producer example with Golang
150. 25/04/2020
Monitoring cpu, memory and goroutine allocation in Golang
151. 17/04/2020
Forcing go docker container to wait for MySQL container
152. 16/04/2020
Using serial confinement discipline to achieve thread safety in Golang
153. 15/04/2020
A basic usage of int and string enum types in Golang
154. 13/04/2020
Using mutex and semaphore to create a bank example with Golang
155. 12/04/2020
A synchronous and asynchronous worker example with Golang
156. 09/04/2020
Sending and receiving gRPC client server headers in Golang
157. 07/04/2020
A simple worker and work queue example with Golang
158. 07/04/2020
A ping pong example with Golang sync mutex
159. 07/04/2020
A ping pong example with Golang channels
160. 06/04/2020
Using a specific interface as an argument in Golang
161. 06/04/2020
Strategy design pattern example in Golang
162. 04/04/2020
Creating a simple gRPC client and server application with Golang
163. 04/04/2020
Using TLS/SSL certificates for gRPC client and server communications in Golang
164. 04/04/2020
Using OAuth authentication tokens for gRPC client and server communications in Golang
165. 03/04/2020
Capture and reprint terminal output of a command in Golang
166. 02/04/2020
Creating a detailed test coverage report and overall percentage in Golang
167. 31/03/2020
Testing a middleware within Golang
168. 26/03/2020
Tracing and debugging HTTP client requests within Golang
169. 20/03/2020
Handling signals to gracefully terminate operations in Golang
170. 18/03/2020
Generating a cryptography secure random string with variable length in Golang
171. 13/03/2020
Database CRUD operations within Golang
172. 12/03/2020
Cancelling database queries with context WithTimeout and WithCancel in Golang
173. 05/03/2020
Data encryption and decryption with x509 public and private key example in Golang
174. 04/03/2020
Hashing and verifying passwords with Argon2id in Golang
175. 03/03/2020
Adding context key and value to HTTP server at application boot then accessing it in Request context in Golang
176. 03/03/2020
Generating a strong random plain password with Golang
177. 02/03/2020
Cancelling HTTP client requests with context WithTimeout and WithCancel in Golang
178. 01/03/2020
Cancelling long running goroutines with Context WithTimeout within Golang
179. 01/03/2020
Cancelling all running goroutines with Context WithCancel if one returns an error within Golang
180. 01/03/2020
Cancelling all running goroutines with sync errgroup if one returns an error within Golang
181. 29/02/2020
Data encryption and decryption with a secret key example in Golang
182. 27/02/2020
Validating user password in Golang requests
183. 27/02/2020
Validating bearer authorization header in Golang request
184. 23/02/2020
Setting named URL path parameters in unit tests using httprouter package within Golang
185. 23/02/2020
Setting HTTP request context parameters in Golang unit tests
186. 15/02/2020
A simple batch job processing application in Golang
187. 15/02/2020
Running multiple goroutines and jobs at a time in a loop with buffered channels
188. 15/02/2020
Processing batch jobs in 2 goroutines concurrently within a Golang application
189. 13/02/2020
Triggering 500 Internal Server Error response from a Golang API with a HTTP middleware
190. 12/02/2020
Concurrent image processing with Golang goroutines and channels
191. 07/02/2020
Using sync WaitGroup to wait for all goroutines to finish before proceeding
192. 07/02/2020
Using a channel to wait for a single goroutine to finish in Golang
193. 07/02/2020
Using goroutines to handle odd and even numbers with their dedicated channels in Golang
194. 04/02/2020
Creating custom errors with Golang
195. 04/02/2020
Mocking and testing HTTP clients in Golang
196. 04/02/2020
Testing an endpoint that depends on an external service with Golang
197. 04/02/2020
Purging all Redis cache items in Golang
198. 16/01/2020
Testing a simple endpoint with Golang
199. 16/01/2020
Testing an endpoint with custom headers within Golang
200. 16/01/2020
Mocking a non-existent endpoint with a non-existent HTTP server in Golang
201. 12/01/2020
Explicitly closing a channel to exit the forever loop
202. 12/01/2020
Breaking a forever loop with labels and anonymous functions in Golang
203. 10/01/2020
Recovering from panic in Golang applications
204. 10/01/2020
Using an unbuffered channel to transmit one message at a time within Golang applications
205. 09/01/2020
Using deferred functions in Golang
206. 06/01/2020
HTTP/2 and TLS client and server example with Golang
207. 23/12/2019
Putting Nginx in front of a Golang application with dockerised environment
208. 23/12/2019
Working with database test fixtures in Golang unit tests
209. 23/12/2019
Using regex placeholders in Golang unit tests
210. 23/12/2019
Unit testing endpoints with and without URL parameters in Golang
211. 23/12/2019
Database driven Golang applications and suggestions
212. 23/12/2019
Gracefully handling server shutdown within Golang applications
213. 23/12/2019
Mapping a multidimensional json string to its struct representation in Golang
214. 23/12/2019
Using the sync package to run a Golang code only once
215. 23/12/2019
Using setup and teardown in Golang unit tests
216. 23/12/2019
Router middleware for Basic Auth with Golang
217. 23/12/2019
Using a database instance and truncating tables in Golang unit tests
218. 23/12/2019
HTTP Server and router middleware builder for Golang application
219. 23/12/2019
Golang application performance profiling and visualising with pprof
220. 23/12/2019
Interacting with database in Golang unit tests
221. 23/12/2019
Logging stack trace info within a Golang application
222. 23/12/2019
Panic recovery middleware for Golang HTTP server
223. 23/12/2019
Multi stage docker build for a Golang application with and without vendor directory
224. 01/01/2014
Interesting things