1. 30/05/2024
Golang, OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, ElasticSearch and Kubernetes setup for application traces
2. 27/05/2024
Setting up multi cluster Kafka server with docker compose
3. 20/05/2024
A sync Kafka producer and consumer example with Golang
4. 17/05/2024
Setting up single broker Kafka server with Docker and using in a Golang service
5. 13/01/2024
Setting GOMAXPROCS in Kubernetes for Golang applications
6. 16/05/2023
Creating a Terraform module for AWS ECR and using it in applications
7. 16/04/2023
Encrypt and decrypt AWS IAM user login profile password with PGP public key in Terraform
8. 15/10/2022
Using private Docker repository in Dockerfile
9. 17/06/2022
Using OpenGPG in Docker without passphrase
10. 17/06/2022
Using OpenGPG in Docker with passphrase
11. 20/03/2022
GitOps style CI/CD setup using GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, Helm and Kubernetes
12. 08/02/2022
Setting up an automated CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, Helm and Kubernetes
13. 03/02/2022
Application deployment with Helm and GitHub actions to Kubernetes cluster
14. 01/01/2022
Calling a Golang AWS Lambda function periodically with a cron rule
15. 30/12/2021
Invoking an AWS Lambda function in a Golang application using Localstack
16. 28/12/2021
Handling a single AWS Lambda handler in Golang using Localstack
17. 28/12/2021
Handling multiple AWS Lambda handlers in Golang using Localstack
18. 24/12/2021
A simple monorepo design that integrates with Docker and Kubernetes
19. 13/08/2021
Setting up Grafana in Kuberenetes to visualise Elasticsearch logs
20. 12/08/2021
Managing application logs with EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluent-bit, Kibana) in Kubernetes
21. 01/08/2021
Deploying a Golang application to Kubernetes cluster using GitHub actions
22. 28/05/2021
Creating gRPC protocol buffer files with Docker
23. 28/05/2021
A simple Elasticsearch CRUD example in Golang
24. 17/03/2021
A basic setup for HashiCorp Vault to handle application secrets in Golang
25. 11/03/2021
Setting up Postgres with Docker compose and locally connecting to it using pgAdmin
26. 10/03/2021
Running MongoDB migration script at the Docker startup
27. 01/02/2021
Forcing Go Docker container to wait for Cassandra container
28. 23/01/2021
Docker compose for single and multi node Cassandra example
29. 23/01/2021
Setting up AWS Localstack with Docker
30. 25/09/2020
Using Prometheus metrics in Golang and creating Grafana dashboard
31. 27/08/2020
Connecting to RabbitMQ server from Golang with self-signing SSL certificates
32. 17/04/2020
Forcing go docker container to wait for MySQL container
33. 23/12/2019
Putting Nginx in front of a Golang application with dockerised environment
34. 23/12/2019
Multi stage docker build for a Golang application with and without vendor directory
35. 15/06/2019
Using Fluent-Bit to forward Docker PHP-FPM and Nginx logs to Elasticsearch
36. 05/06/2019
Copying Symfony application into docker container with multi-stage builds
37. 04/06/2019
Using docker multi-stage builds to run composer install and copy application into PHP container image
38. 01/06/2019
Using private GitHub repositories with composer in Docker applications
39. 24/05/2019
Formatting PHP-FPM and Nginx access logs as standardised JSON string in Docker environment
40. 23/05/2019
Testing PHP-FPM without having a web server
41. 23/05/2019
Using a named volume and a data container to share application data with PHP-FPM and Nginx Docker containers
42. 12/05/2019
Using unix socket for php-fpm and nginx docker setup
43. 12/05/2019
Deploying Dockerised Symfony application to production with Ansible and Jenkins
44. 11/05/2019
Deploying a Dockerised application with Ansible as part of CI/CD Jenkins pipeline
45. 11/05/2019
Using Ansible in Jenkins pipeline to deploy application secrets encrypted with Ansible Vault
46. 09/05/2019
Managing application secrets with Hashicorp Vault
47. 29/04/2019
Implementing a CI/CD Jenkins pipeline for a Dockerised application with different environments
48. 31/03/2019
Diverting requests to relevant servers with Nginx reverse proxy and logging client's request headers
49. 09/03/2019
Creating a dockerised Symfony application and a Makefile based build script
50. 05/03/2019
Adding HTTP X-Request-Id to Symfony logs
51. 05/03/2019
Add a unique HTTP X-Request-Id to requests and access it in Symfony applications
52. 24/02/2019
Triggering Jenkins pipeline for docker from Git develop branch merge
53. 23/02/2019
Triggering Jenkins pipeline for docker from Git feature branch push
54. 20/02/2019
Integrating Jenkins with GitHub to run dockerised application pipeline
55. 05/01/2019
Using a custom user for PHP-FPM and Nginx configurations in docker containers
56. 16/12/2018
Alpine docker setup for Symfony applications
57. 16/12/2018
Debian:stretch-slim docker setup for Symfony applications
58. 08/12/2018
Multiple dockerised PHP-FPM and Nginx applications communicating each other over the same network
59. 07/12/2018
Simple PHP-FPM and Nginx docker application setup
60. 16/09/2018
A makefile example with native docker commands
61. 16/09/2018
A makefile example with docker compose commands
62. 14/09/2018
Pushing a docker image to Docker Hub
63. 09/09/2018
Linking GitHub and Docker Hub to automatically build images on GitHub push events
64. 31/07/2018
Creating a SSH and SFTP server with docker compose
65. 31/07/2018
Creating a SSH server with OpenSSH by using docker-compose and connecting to it with PHP
66. 24/06/2018
Accessing host OS from within docker container
67. 20/06/2018
Grafana service configuration for docker compose
68. 20/06/2018
InfluxDB service configuration for docker compose
69. 10/06/2018
RabbitMQ service configuration for docker compose
70. 05/06/2018
Using supervisor within docker containers
71. 03/06/2018
Checking if MySQL database is up before issuing queries within docker
72. 01/06/2018
Creating a dockerised Symfony application skeleton
73. 29/05/2018
Connecting to a MySQL container with a SQL client from host OS
74. 27/05/2018
Creating a simple PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL application with docker compose
75. 25/03/2018
Installing docker and docker-compose on remote server with Ansible
76. 25/03/2018
Setting up a Nginx docker container on remote server with Ansible
77. 04/02/2018
Creating isolated DEV, PROD and STAG environments with docker compose
78. 04/02/2018
Copying application into docker container
79. 04/02/2018
Setting up Jenkins to build Docker application containers with docker compose
80. 03/02/2018
Creating a single HAProxy and two Apache containers with Docker compose
81. 03/02/2018
Creating Apache, MySQL and PHP-FPM containers for a web application with Docker compose
82. 25/01/2018
Dockerfile example for two containers communicating with each other over different networks
83. 24/01/2018
Dockerfile example for storing MySQL data outside of container
84. 24/01/2018
Running MySQL server as foreground on Ubuntu with Dockerfile
85. 24/01/2018
Running Apache server as foreground on Ubuntu with Dockerfile
86. 23/01/2018
Creating a dedicated network for docker containers
87. 21/01/2018
Running docker container with a non-root user and fixing shared volume permissions with GOSU
88. 14/01/2018
Running docker container with a non-root user and fixing shared volume permissions with Dockerfile
89. 14/01/2018
Executing an external bash script with Dockerfile
90. 13/01/2018
Some useful docker and docker compose terminal commands