In this example we are going to visualise apache access logs of our website. Our website is running on a Linux machine and Logstalgia visualising takes place in MacOS.


$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
$ brew install logstalgia

If you want to Ubuntu instead, you can use commands below.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install logstalgia


Since I am running a my website in a vagrant box, it would be good to share my vagrant box configs.


config.vm.synced_folder "www", "/var/www/html", create: true, nfs: true, mount_options: ["actimeo=2"]

Website vhost

CustomLog /var/www/html/logs/website-access.log combined

Everytime I access to my website, the logs will be available under /var/www/html/logs/ in vagrant box and under /www/logs in MacOS.


These assumptions applies to MacOS. Assuming that your website is accessible through and apache access logs are stored in /www/logs/website-access.log.

MacBook-Pro:~ inanzzz$ tail -f /www/logs/website-access.log | logstalgia --sync

Run command above to open up the visualiser and start sending requests to your website. There is about 20 seconds delay in showing the logs so be patient.