An interface should never become a general purpose interface. A class specific interface is always better than one general purpose interface.

interface PlayerInterface
public function run();
public function jump();
public function rebound();

class Basketball implements PlayerInterface
public function run() {}
public function jump() {}
public function rebound() {}

class Football implements PlayerInterface
public function run() {}
public function jump() {}
public function rebound() {}

As you can see above, Football class is forced to implement rebound method which has nothing to do with it. This is a violation.

interface PlayerInterface
public function run();
public function jump();

interface BasketballPlayerInterface
public function rebound();

class Basketball implements PlayerInterface, BasketballPlayerInterface
public function run() {}
public function jump() {}
public function rebound() {}

class Football implements PlayerInterface
public function run() {}
public function jump() {}

As you can see above, we have moved rebound method into BasketballPlayerInterface interface and let only Basketball class implement it. Our Football class is not forced to implement irrelevant methods anymore.