01/12/2018 - PHP
In the case of Chain of responsibility pattern, the request is passed to a chain of objects where it either gets processed by one or some or all of them. In general, the order of the chain is not important but sometimes it can be based on the business requirements. In example below, the order is important and all the objects in chain process the request. It authenticates the user by checking the credentials first, then check if the use is active or not then if the user has required permissions to use our service. For more information read Chain-of-responsibility pattern. Note: See more examples towards the end of the post.
abstract class AbstractChain
/** @var self */
private $next;
public function linkNext(self $next): self
$this->next = $next;
return $next;
public function check(User $user): bool
return $this->next ? $this->next->check($user) : true;
class CredentialChain extends AbstractChain
private $validCredentials = [
['username' => 'hello', 'password' => '123123'],
['username' => 'inanzzz', 'password' => '321321'],
['username' => 'inanzzz', 'password' => '123123']
public function check(User $user): bool
foreach ($this->validCredentials as $validCredential) {
if (
$user->getUsername() === $validCredential['username'] &&
$user->getPassword() === $validCredential['password']
) {
return parent::check($user);
throw new Exception('Invalid credentials.');
class StatusChain extends AbstractChain
public function check(User $user): bool
if ($user->isActive()) {
return parent::check($user);
throw new Exception('Invalid status.');
class RoleChain extends AbstractChain
private $validRoles = [
public function check(User $user): bool
foreach ($this->validRoles as $validRole) {
if ($user->getRole() === $validRole) {
return parent::check($user);
throw new Exception('Invalid role.');
class User
private $username;
private $password;
private $role;
private $isActive;
public function __construct(string $username, string $password, string $role, bool $isActive)
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->role = $role;
$this->isActive = $isActive;
public function getUsername(): string
return $this->username;
public function getPassword(): string
return $this->password;
public function getRole(): string
return $this->role;
public function isActive(): bool
return $this->isActive;
class Authenticate
private $chain;
public function __construct(AbstractChain $chain)
$this->chain = $chain;
public function login(User $user): bool
return $this->chain->check($user);
require_once 'AbstractChain.php';
require_once 'CredentialChain.php';
require_once 'StatusChain.php';
require_once 'RoleChain.php';
require_once 'User.php';
require_once 'Authenticate.php';
$chain = new CredentialChain();
->linkNext(new StatusChain())
->linkNext(new RoleChain());
try {
(new Authenticate($chain))
new User('inanzzz', '123123', 'ADMIN', true)
echo 'Success'.PHP_EOL;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
# Success
new User('inanzzz', '123123', 'ADMIN', true)
# Invalid credentials.
new User('inanzzzA', '123123', 'ADMIN', true)
new User('inanzzz', '1231230', 'ADMIN', true)
# Invalid status.
new User('inanzzz', '123123', 'ADMIN', false)
# Invalid role.
new User('inanzzz', '123123', 'UUU', true)
In this example, only one handler processes the data.
abstract class AbstractChain
/** @var self */
private $next;
public function addNext(self $next): self
$this->next = $next;
return $next;
public function handle(string $type): ?string
return $this->next ? $this->next->handle($type) : null;
class BikeHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(string $type): ?string
echo 'BikeHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($type === 'bike') {
return $type;
return parent::handle($type);
class CarHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(string $type): ?string
echo 'CarHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($type === 'car') {
return $type;
return parent::handle($type);
class BusHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(string $type): ?string
echo 'BusHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($type === 'bus') {
return $type;
return parent::handle($type);
// Client
$bikeHandler = new BikeHandler();
$carHandler = new CarHandler();
$busHandler = new BusHandler();
echo $bikeHandler->handle('bike').PHP_EOL;
// Result
BikeHandler has run
In this example, only relevant handlers process the data.
abstract class AbstractChain
/** @var self */
private $next;
public function addNext(self $next): self
$this->next = $next;
return $next;
public function handle(Car $car): Car
return $this->next ? $this->next->handle($car) : $car;
class TypeHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(Car $car): Car
echo 'TypeHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($car->type === '4x4') {
$car->canRace = true;
return $car;
return parent::handle($car);
class OriginHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(Car $car): Car
echo 'OriginHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($car->origin === 'Germany') {
$car->canRace = true;
return $car;
return parent::handle($car);
class BelongHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(Car $car): Car
echo 'BelongHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
if ($car->belongsTo === 'Boss') {
$car->canRace = true;
return $car;
return parent::handle($car);
class Car
public $type;
public $origin;
public $belongsTo;
public $canRace = false;
// Client
$car = new Car();
$car->type = 'invalid';
$car->origin = 'Germany';
$car->belongsTo = 'Boss';
$typeHandler = new TypeHandler();
$originHandler = new OriginHandler();
$belongHandler = new BelongHandler();
// Result
TypeHandler has run
OriginHandler has run
Car Object
[type] => invalid
[origin] => Germany
[belongsTo] => Boss
[canRace] => 1
In this example, all the handlers process the data (this is same as the main example above).
abstract class AbstractChain
/** @var self */
private $next;
public function addNext(self $next): self
$this->next = $next;
return $next;
public function handle(int $number): int
return $this->next ? $this->next->handle($number) : $number;
class AddHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(int $number): int
echo 'AddHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
$number = $number + 1;
return parent::handle($number);
class RemoveHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(int $number): int
echo 'RemoveHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
$number = $number - 2;
return parent::handle($number);
class MultiplyHandler extends AbstractChain
public function handle(int $number): int
echo 'MultiplyHandler has run'.PHP_EOL;
$number = $number * 3;
return parent::handle($number);
// Client
$addHandler = new AddHandler();
$removeHandler = new RemoveHandler();
$multiplyHandler = new MultiplyHandler();
echo $addHandler->handle(3).PHP_EOL;
// Result
AddHandler has run
RemoveHandler has run
MultiplyHandler has run