The strategy pattern is used when we need to execute some logic based on information provided at runtime. It is technically same as conditional statements such as if..else, select .. case so on. but OOP style. It is a great example for SOLID's the Open/Closed Principle. There can be a few ways of using this pattern but I'll just touch up on the most common variations.

Message publishing strategy


class MessagePublisher
private $strategy;

public function __construct(StrategyInterface $strategy)
$this->strategy = $strategy;

public function publish(string $message): string
return $this->strategy->process($message);

interface StrategyInterface
public function process(string $message): string;

class FacebookStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function process(string $message): string
return sprintf('Message "%s" published on Facebook.', $message);

class TwitterStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function process(string $message): string
return sprintf('Message "%s" published on Twitter.', $message);


require_once 'MessagePublisher.php';

$messagePublisher = new MessagePublisher(new FacebookStrategy());
echo $messagePublisher->publish('Hello');

echo PHP_EOL;

$messagePublisher = new MessagePublisher(new TwitterStrategy());
echo $messagePublisher->publish('Hello');

echo PHP_EOL;


$ php oop/MessagePublisher/index.php 
Message "Hello" published on Facebook.
Message "Hello" published on Twitter.

Home painter strategy


class HomePainter
private $painters;

public function __construct(array $painters)
$this->painters = $painters;

public function start(Home $home, string $section): ?string
/** @var StrategyInterface $painter */
foreach ($this->painters as $painter) {
if ($painter->canPaint($section)) {
return $painter->paint($home);

return null;

class Home
public function doors(): string
return 'Doors painted yellow';

public function steps(): string
return 'Steps painted blue';

interface StrategyInterface
public function canPaint(string $section): bool;

public function paint(Home $home): string;

class YellowPainterStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function canPaint(string $section): bool
return 'doors' === $section;

public function paint(Home $home): string
return $home->doors();

class BluePainterStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function canPaint(string $section): bool
return 'steps' === $section;

public function paint(Home $home): string
return $home->steps();


require_once 'HomePainter.php';

$home = new Home();

$homePainter = new HomePainter([
new YellowPainterStrategy(),
new BluePainterStrategy(),

echo $homePainter->start($home, 'doors');

echo PHP_EOL;

echo $homePainter->start($home, 'steps');

echo PHP_EOL;


$ php oop/HomePainter/index.php 
Doors painted yellow
Steps painted blue

Number processor strategy


class NumberProcessor
private $strategies;

public function addProcessor(StrategyInterface $strategy)
$this->strategies[] = $strategy;

return $this;

public function run(int $number): int
/** @var StrategyInterface $strategy */
foreach ($this->strategies as $strategy) {
$number = $strategy->process($number);

return $number;

interface StrategyInterface
public function process(int $number): int;

class SumStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function process(int $number): int
return $number + $number;

class MultiplyStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function process(int $number): int
return $number * $number;


require_once 'NumberProcessor.php';

$numberProcessor = new NumberProcessor();
->addProcessor(new SumStrategy())
->addProcessor(new MultiplyStrategy());

echo $numberProcessor->run(4);

echo PHP_EOL;


$ php oop/NumberProcessor/index.php