17/06/2015 - BEHAT
If we have set of scenarios and all the steps are same as each other apart from a few different sections then we can use scenario outlines to prevent duplications.
* @Route("user")
class UserController extends Controller
* @param string $code
* @Route("/{code}", requirements={"code"="[A-Z]{2}"})
* @Method({"GET"})
* @return Response
public function listAction($code)
$countries = [
'GB' => 'Great Britain',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'TR' => 'Turkey'
return new Response($countries[$code]);
Feature: Just a test
Scenario Outline: I can get the country name by providing its code
Given I am on "/user/<code>"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response should contain "<name>"
| code | name |
| GB | Great Britain |
| DE | Germany |
| TR | Turkey |
Inanzzz-MBP:football inanzzz$ bin/behat --profile=backend
Feature: Just a test
Scenario Outline: I can get the country name by providing its code
Given I am on "/user/<code>"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response should contain "<name>"
| code | name |
| GB | Great Britain |
| DE | Germany |
| TR | Turkey |
3 scenarios (3 passed)
9 steps (9 passed)
Inanzzz-MBP:football inanzzz$