If you want to create an image from text, font and another image, you can follow example below.


image$ tree
├── background.jpg
├── background.png
├── create.php
├── Montserrat-Bold.ttf
├── Montserrat-Regular.ttf
└── Montserrat-SemiBold.ttf


class Image
private const FONT_BOLD = '/srv/www/image/Montserrat-Bold.ttf';
private const FONT_SEMI_BOLD = '/srv/www/image/Montserrat-SemiBold.ttf';
private const FONT_REGULAR = '/srv/www/image/Montserrat-Regular.ttf';
private const IMAGE_WIDTH = 854;
private const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 480;
private const CLIENT_NAME_LIMIT = 34;

private $validImageTypes = ['jpg', 'png'];
private $imageType;
private $clientName;
private $clientPhone;
private $serviceType;
private $servicePrice;
private $serviceAddress;
private $serviceDate;
private $serviceReference;
private $serviceProperties;

public function setImageType(string $imageType): self
if (!in_array($imageType, $this->validImageTypes)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid image type "%s".', $imageType));

$this->imageType = $imageType;

return $this;

public function setClientName(string $clientName): self
$clientName = mb_strtoupper($clientName);
if (strlen($clientName) > self::CLIENT_NAME_LIMIT) {
$clientName = substr($clientName, 0, self::CLIENT_NAME_LIMIT).' ...';

$this->clientName = $clientName;

return $this;

public function setClientPhone(string $clientPhone): self
$this->clientPhone = $clientPhone;

return $this;

public function setClientType(string $serviceType): self
$this->serviceType = mb_strtoupper($serviceType);

return $this;

public function setServicePrice(string $servicePrice): self
$this->servicePrice = $servicePrice;

return $this;

public function setServiceAddress(string $serviceAddress): self
$this->serviceAddress = $serviceAddress;

return $this;

public function setServiceDate(string $serviceDate): self
$this->serviceDate = $serviceDate;

return $this;

public function setServiceReference(string $serviceReference): self
$this->serviceReference = $serviceReference;

return $this;

public function setServiceProperties(iterable $serviceProperties): self
$this->serviceProperties = array_slice(array_filter($serviceProperties), 0, self::SERVICE_PROPERTIES_LIMIT);

return $this;

public function create(): void
// Create image from existing file
$image = ($this->imageType === 'jpg')
? imagecreatefromjpeg('/srv/www/image/background.jpg')
: imagecreatefrompng('/srv/www/image/background.png');

// Create text colours
$white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$blue = imagecolorallocate($image, 51, 204, 255);

// Draw top and bottom line
imageline($image, 30, 74, 824, 74, $white);
imageline($image, 30, 385, 824, 385, $white);

// Write client name
$this->writeText($image, 50, 24, $blue, self::FONT_BOLD, $this->clientName);

// Write service type and price
$text = sprintf('%s - %s', $this->serviceType, $this->servicePrice);
$this->writeText($image, 124, 24, $white, self::FONT_SEMI_BOLD, $text);

// Write service address and date
$text = sprintf('%s - Written on %s', $this->serviceAddress, $this->serviceDate);
$this->writeText($image, 165, 14, $white, self::FONT_SEMI_BOLD, $text);

// Write service properties
$y = 214;
foreach ($this->serviceProperties as $text) {
$this->writeText($image, $y, 14, $blue, self::FONT_SEMI_BOLD, $text);

$y = $y + 30;

// Write client phone and service reference
$text = sprintf('Phone: %s - Reference: %s', $this->clientPhone, $this->serviceReference);
$this->writeText($image, 358, 14, $white, self::FONT_SEMI_BOLD, $text);

// Save image
($this->imageType === 'jpg')
? imagejpeg($image, '/srv/www/image/image.jpg')
: imagepng($image, '/srv/www/image/image.png');

private function writeText($image, int $y, int $fontSize, int $fontColour, string $fontPath, string $text): void
$x = $this->getXcoordinate($image, $fontSize, $fontPath, $text);

imagettftext($image, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y, $fontColour, $fontPath, $text);

private function getXcoordinate($image, int $fontSize, string $fontPath, string $text): int
$dimensions = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $fontPath, $text);
$width = abs($dimensions[4] - $dimensions[0]);

return round((imagesx($image) - $width) / 2);


$image = new Image();
->setClientPhone('012 3456 7890')
->setServiceAddress('Nice Street / London / England')
'Keep It Simple, Stupid',
'Open Source',
'Multiple Languages',
'Will be ignored',
' '



If you want to add one image on another, you can use code sample below.

// Create image instances
$dest = imagecreatefromjpeg('/srv/www/image/main_image.jpg');
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg('/srv/www/image/logo.jpg');

// Copy and merge
imagecopymerge($dest, $src, 10, 10, 0, 0, 378, 144, 75);

imagejpeg($dest, '/srv/www/image/result.jpg');