Assume that you have a service class that depends on two database repository classes. This will require you to store both of them in the service struct. This is ok for small amount of dependencies but if you need more, you would have a big struct and messy code to work with. You might have other services do the same thing but for different repository classes. Finally you have a lot of duplicates all over the place. The solution to this problem is simple. We are going to create a main repository struct which will store all the other/sub repository interfaces in it. We than just use the main repository where we need. This will allow us to access all the embedded repositories form it. A bit like a strategy pattern.


├── cmd
│   └── client
│   └── main.go
└── internal
├── dao
│   ├── article.go
│   └── label.go
├── repository
│   ├── article.go
│   ├── label.go
│   └── repository.go
└── service
├── article.go
└── label.go



package dao

import "time"

type ArticleRepository interface {
Insert(article *Article) error
Find(ID string) (*Article, error)

type Article struct {
ID string
Title string
PublishedAt time.Time


package dao

type LabelRepository interface {
Insert(label *Label) error
List(limit uint8) ([]*Label, error)

type Label struct {
ID string
Name string


package repository

import ""

type Repository struct {
Article dao.ArticleRepository
Label dao.LabelRepository

func New() Repository {
return Repository{
Article: article{},
Label: label{},


package repository

import (


type article struct{}

func (a article) Insert(article *dao.Article) error {
log.Println("inserting article")
return nil

func (a article) Find(ID string) (*dao.Article, error) {
log.Println("finding article")
return nil, nil


package repository

import (


type label struct{}

func (l label) Insert(label *dao.Label) error {
log.Println("inserting label")
return nil

func (l label) List(limit uint8) ([]*dao.Label, error) {
log.Println("listing labels")
return nil, nil


package service

import (

type Article struct {
repo repository.Repository

func NewArticle(repo repository.Repository) Article {
return Article{repo: repo}

func (a Article) DoSomething() {
_ = a.repo.Article.Insert(&dao.Article{})
_, _ = a.repo.Article.Find("id")


package service

import (

type Label struct {
repo repository.Repository

func NewLabel(repo repository.Repository) Label {
return Label{repo: repo}

func (l Label) DoSomething() {
_ = l.repo.Label.Insert(&dao.Label{})
_, _ = l.repo.Label.List(1)


package main

import (

func main() {
repo := repository.New()

articleService := service.NewArticle(repo)

labelService := service.NewLabel(repo)


$ go run -race cmd/client/main.go
2020/12/22 23:26:14 inserting article
2020/12/22 23:26:14 finding article
2020/12/22 23:26:14 inserting label
2020/12/22 23:26:14 listing labels