As of writing this post, hashing passwords with Argon2 algorithm is recommended by IETF. In this example we are going to use Sodium to hash and verify passwords with Argon2id in our PHP 7.2 application.


You might need to add "ext-sodium": "*" to your composer.json file.

class PasswordHasher
public function hash(string $plainPassword): string
return sodium_crypto_pwhash_str(

public function verify(string $plainPassword, string $hashedPassword): bool
$result = sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify($hashedPassword, $plainPassword);


return $result;


class PasswordHasherTest extends TestCase
public function testHash(): void
$hash = (new PasswordHasher())->hash('inanzzzinanzzz');

$this->assertStringStartsWith('$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=', $hash);
$this->assertSame(97, \strlen($hash));

* @dataProvider passwordDataProvider
public function testVerify(string $plainPassword, string $hashedPassword, bool $result): void
$this->assertSame($result, (new PasswordHasher())->verify($plainPassword, $hashedPassword));

public function passwordDataProvider(): array
return [
'Test with invalid password but valid hash' => [
'$plainPassword' => 'invalid_password',
'$hashedPassword' => '$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$Lum8Qyd9RS+q5wlDYHfACA$1YUvs5HNdq7MVY0YAVV7SxyrSp309CfyS3BUFfuR+GE',
'$result' => false,
'Test with valid password but invalid hash' => [
'$password' => 'inanzzzinanzzz',
'$hashedPassword' => 'invalid_hash',
'$result' => false,
'Test with valid password and hash' => [
'$password' => 'inanzzzinanzzz',
'$hashedPassword' => '$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$Lum8Qyd9RS+q5wlDYHfACA$1YUvs5HNdq7MVY0YAVV7SxyrSp309CfyS3BUFfuR+GE',
'$result' => true,