Genel anlamda veritabanı ile çalışan uygulamaları test ederken, veritabanında bilgi olması gerekir. Symfony uygulamaları içinde biz bu işlemi, doctrine data fixtures özelliğini kullanarak otomatik hale getirebiliriz. Daha fazla bilgi için DoctrineFixturesBundle ve Doctrine2 ORM Data Fixtures Extensions sayfalarını okuyunuz.

Değişkenleri composer.json içine ekleme

"require-dev": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "2.2.0",
"doctrine/data-fixtures": "1.1.1"

Değişkenleri yükleme

inanzzz-MBP:sport inanzzz$ composer update doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle
inanzzz-MBP:sport inanzzz$ composer update doctrine/data-fixtures

Fixtures bundle aktifleştirme

# sport/app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(),

Örnek entity class

Örneğimizdeki "Country" ve "League" entitiler arasında 1 to N ilişki var.


namespace Football\FrontendBundle\Entity;

class Country
protected $id;
protected $code;
protected $name;
protected $createdAt;

* @ORM\OneToMany(
* targetEntity="League",
* mappedBy="country",
* cascade={"persist", "remove"},
* orphanRemoval=true
* )
protected $league;


namespace Football\FrontendBundle\Entity;

class League
protected $id;
protected $name;
protected $createdAt;

* @ORM\ManyToOne(
* targetEntity="Country",
* inversedBy="league"
* )
* @ORM\JoinColumn(
* name="country_id",
* referencedColumnName="id",
* onDelete="CASCADE",
* nullable=false
* )
protected $country;

Örnek verileri ayarlama

Entitiler arasında ilişki olduğunda, kod yazma tekrarını önlemek için fixtures içinde referanslandırma yapılır. Ayrıca Country fixtures ilk sırada çalıştırılmalıdır çünkü Country ana entitidir. Aşağıdaki addReference() ve getReference() satırlarına dikkat edin.

Country data fixtures

namespace Football\FrontendBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use DateTime;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Football\FrontendBundle\Entity\Country;

class CountryFixtures extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
foreach ($this->getData() as $data) {
$country = $this->getCountry($data);

$this->addReference($data['reference'], $country);



private function getCountry(array $data)
return (new Country())
->setCreatedAt(new DateTime($data['created_at']));

private function getData()
'reference' => 'germany',
'code' => 'DE',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'name' => 'Germany',
'reference' => 'spain',
'code' => 'ES',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'name' => 'Spain',
'reference' => 'turkey',
'code' => 'TR',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'name' => 'Turkey',

public function getOrder()
return 1;

League data fixtures

namespace Football\FrontendBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;

use DateTime;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Football\FrontendBundle\Entity\League;

class LeagueFixtures extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
foreach ($this->getData() as $data) {
$league = $this->getLeague($data);



private function getLeague(array $data)
return (new League())
->setCreatedAt(new DateTime($data['created_at']))

private function getData()
'reference' => 'germany-bundesliga',
'name' => 'Bundesliga',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'country' => 'germany',
'reference' => 'spain-primera',
'name' => 'Primera División',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'country' => 'spain',
'reference' => 'spain-segunda',
'name' => 'Segunda División',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'country' => 'spain',
'reference' => 'turkey-super',
'name' => 'Süper Lig',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'country' => 'turkey',
'reference' => 'turkey-tff',
'name' => 'TFF 1. Lig',
'created_at' => '2015-05-16 10:19:09',
'country' => 'turkey',

public function getOrder()
return 2;

Data fixtures yükleme

inanzzz-MBP:sport inanzzz$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction --no-debug
Careful, database will be purged. Do you want to continue Y/N ?y
> purging database
> loading Football\FrontendBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\CountryFixtures
> loading Football\FrontendBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LeagueFixtures

Veritabanını kontrol etme

mysql> SELECT * FROM country;
| id | name | created_at | updated_at | code |
| 16 | Germany | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL | DE |
| 17 | Spain | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL | ES |
| 18 | Turkey | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL | TR |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM league;
| id | country_id | name | created_at | updated_at |
| 1 | 16 | Bundesliga | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL |
| 2 | 17 | Primera División | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL |
| 3 | 17 | Segunda División | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL |
| 4 | 18 | Süper Lig | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL |
| 5 | 18 | TFF 1. Lig | 2015-05-16 10:19:09 | NULL |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)