Bu örnekte, maksimum 11 kaynak kapasitesine sahip bir "tamponlu" kanal oluşturacağız. 11'den fazla iş verilirse, onları reddecektir. İşleri işlemek için sadece bir işleyicimiz olacak. Tüm işler tamamlanana kadar uygulama bekleme modunda olacak, böylece iş kaybı olmaz.


Bu "temel" bir örnek olmasına rağmen, aşağıdaki gibi bazı ek özellikleri dikkate almak önemlidir.


Burada da iyi bir örnek var.

package main

import (

var (
// wg is used to force the application wait for all goroutines to finish before exiting.
wg sync.WaitGroup
// jobChan is a buffered channel that has the capacity of maximum 11 resource slot.
jobChan = make(chan int, 11)
// waiters is used to make goroutines sleep in order to simulate time it took to process the job.
waiters = []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

func main() {


// Tell how many worker you will be running.

// Run 1 worker to handle jobs.
go worker(jobChan, &wg)

// Send 10 jobs to job channel.
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
if !queueJob(i, jobChan) {
fmt.Println("Channel is full... Service unavailable...")

// Close the job channel.

// Block exiting until all the goroutines are finished.


// queueJob puts job into channel. If channel buffer is full, return false.
func queueJob(job int, jobChan chan<- int) bool {
select {
case jobChan <- job:
return true
return false

// worker processes jobs.
func worker(jobChan <-chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// As soon as the current goroutine finishes (job done!), notify back WaitGroup.
defer wg.Done()

fmt.Println("Worker is waiting for jobs")

for job := range jobChan {
fmt.Println("Worker picked job", job)

wait := time.Duration(rand.Intn(len(waiters)))
time.Sleep(wait * time.Second)

// Process the job ...

fmt.Println("Worker completed job", job, "in", int(wait), "second(s)")


Worker is waiting for jobs
Worker picked job 1
Worker completed job 1 in 4 second(s)
Worker picked job 2
Worker completed job 2 in 1 second(s)
Worker picked job 3
Worker completed job 3 in 4 second(s)
Worker picked job 4
Worker completed job 4 in 3 second(s)
Worker picked job 5
Worker completed job 5 in 2 second(s)
Worker picked job 6
Worker completed job 6 in 1 second(s)
Worker picked job 7
Worker completed job 7 in 1 second(s)
Worker picked job 8
Worker completed job 8 in 2 second(s)
Worker picked job 9
Worker completed job 9 in 1 second(s)
Worker picked job 10
Worker completed job 10 in 2 second(s)

İş miktarı kanal sınırının üzerindeyse, bazı işlerin reddedildiğini göreceksiniz. Örneğin, 11 işle sınırlı kanala 15 iş gönderirseniz, 4 işin reddedildiği aşağıdaki gibi görmelisiniz.

Channel is full... Service unavailable...
Channel is full... Service unavailable...
Channel is full... Service unavailable...
Channel is full... Service unavailable...