If you use $mainContext = $this->getMainContext(); in one of your sub context files which extends FeatureContext file, you can easily access resources of FeatureContext. However, if you want to access sub context methods from another sub context then you can use example below.

Sub context One

use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;

class SubContextOne extends FeatureContext
/** @var SubContextTwo */
private $subContextTwo;
/** @var SubContextThree */
private $subContextThree;

* @BeforeScenario
public function gatherContexts(BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
$environment = $scope->getEnvironment();

$this->subContextTwo = $environment->getContext(SubContextTwo::class);
$this->subContextThree = $environment->getContext(SubContextThree::class);

* @BeforeScenario
public function loadDataFixtures()
// You can manually load data fixtures here


* If you tag one of your step definitions with @two, it would trigger this method
* @BeforeScenario @two
public function doSomethingNice()

* If you tag one of your step definitions with @three, it would trigger this method
* @AfterScenario @three
public function doSomethingBad()