In this example we are going to use Redis transactions by utilising Client.Watch feature. It is same logic as the Atomicity principle of database transactions - "either all occur, or nothing occurs". In our case, if one command fails all the others fail too.

We have a bank system where an account holder might have multiple accounts. When we create an account holder, we will try to create accounts as well. However, if something goes wrong along the line, we will not create anything at all. We are going to create 3 different hashes. One for the root element Holder. The other two for the Account elements.


"ID": "144c8dcb89dc293f55c68cc74adda88b",
"FirstName": "Al",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Pacino",
"Accounts": [
"Type": "Savings",
"Number": "20202020",
"SortCode": "20-20-20",
"Active": false
"Type": "Current",
"Number": "10101010",
"SortCode": "10-10-10",
"Active": true

Application layout

├── docker-compose.yaml
└── internal
├── domain
│   ├── account
│   │   ├── account.go
│   │   ├── cache.go
│   │   └── holder.go
│   └── repository
│   └── account.go
└── storage
├── account.go
└── account_test.go



version: "3"

image: redis:6.0.6-alpine
command: redis-server --requirepass pass
- 6379:6379


package account

import "fmt"

func CacheHashRootKey(holderID string) string {
return "app:holder:" + holderID

func CacheHashHolderField() string {
return "holder"

func CacheHashAccountField(accountType Type) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("account:%s", accountType)


package account

import "encoding/json"

type Holder struct {
ID string
FirstName string
MiddleName string
LastName string
Accounts []*Account

func (h *Holder) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(h)

func (h *Holder) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &h); err != nil {
return err

return nil


package account

import "encoding/json"

type Type string

const (
TypeCurrent Type = "Current"
TypeSavings Type = "Savings"

type Account struct {
Type Type
Number string
SortCode string
Active bool

func (a *Account) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(a)

func (a *Account) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &a); err != nil {
return err

return nil


package repository

import (


type Account interface {
// Create creates a new account holder with/without actual accounts.
Create(ctx context.Context, holder account.Holder) error


You can purposely remove MarshalBinary and UnmarshalBinary methods in the structs to make transactions fail in order to reproduce rollbacks.

package storage

import (


type Account struct {
rds *redis.Client

func NewAccount(rds *redis.Client) Account {
return Account{rds: rds}

func (a Account) Create(ctx context.Context, holder account.Holder) error {
accounts := holder.Accounts
// We do not want the inner structures within the parent because we will store them separately.
holder.Accounts = nil

err := a.rds.Watch(ctx, func(tx *redis.Tx) error {
// You can run more commands here. You will use `tx` though.
// e.g. tx.HGET()
// Note: `tx` is not part of transactional `pipe` below so any "SET" operation will be independent.

_, err := tx.TxPipelined(ctx, func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error {
// 1- Set holder
if _, err := pipe.HSetNX(
).Result(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create: holder: %w", err)

// 2- Set accounts within holder
for _, acc := range accounts {
if _, err := pipe.HSetNX(
).Result(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create: account: %w", err)

return nil

return err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create: transaction: %w", err)

return nil


package storage

import (


func TestAccount_Create(t *testing.T) {
rds := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
Password: "pass",

storage := NewAccount(rds)

holder := account.Holder{
ID: "144c8dcb89dc293f55c68cc74adda88b",
FirstName: "Al",
MiddleName: "",
LastName: "Pacino",
Accounts: []*account.Account{
Type: account.TypeCurrent,
Number: "10101010",
SortCode: "10-10-10",
Active: true,
Type: account.TypeSavings,
Number: "20202020",
SortCode: "20-20-20",
Active: false,

assert.NoError(t, storage.Create(context.Background(), holder))

Redis CLI

localhost:6379> KEYS *
1) "app:holder:144c8dcb89dc293f55c68cc74adda88b"

localhost:6379> HGETALL app:holder:144c8dcb89dc293f55c68cc74adda88b
1) "account:Savings"
2) "{\"Type\":\"Savings\",\"Number\":\"20202020\",\"SortCode\":\"20-20-20\",\"Active\":false}"
3) "holder"
4) "{\"ID\":\"144c8dcb89dc293f55c68cc74adda88b\",\"FirstName\":\"Al\",\"MiddleName\":\"\",\"LastName\":\"Pacino\",\"Accounts\":null}"
5) "account:Current"
6) "{\"Type\":\"Current\",\"Number\":\"10101010\",\"SortCode\":\"10-10-10\",\"Active\":true}"