You can test symfony event listener with a simple test as shown below.


namespace My\ProductBundle\EventListener;

use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreUpdateEventArgs;
use My\ProductBundle\Entity\Product;

class ProductEventListener
* @param PreUpdateEventArgs $event
public function preUpdate(PreUpdateEventArgs $event)
$entity = $event->getObject();
if ($entity instanceof Product) {
if ($event->hasChangedField('price')) {
if ($event->getOldValue('price') != $event->getNewValue('price')) {
$this->capturePriceChange($entity, $event->getNewValue('price'));

* @param string $newPrice
* @param Product $product
private function capturePriceChange(Product $product, $newPrice)
// Do something with $price and $newPrice here

EventListener Test

namespace spec\My\ProductBundle\EventListener;

use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreUpdateEventArgs;
use My\ProductBundle\Entity\Product;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;

class ProductEventListenerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_should_not_capture_price_change_in_the_case_of_no_change_on_pre_update_event(
PreUpdateEventArgs $event,
Product $product
) {
$old = 123;
$new = 123;
$hasPriceChanged = false;


// Do the same thing with $additionalData and $newPrice here as done in the listener
// You can use shouldBeCalled() and willReturn(...) or shouldNotBeCalled()


function it_should_capture_price_change_in_the_case_of_change_on_pre_update_event(
PreUpdateEventArgs $event,
Product $product
) {
$old = 123;
$new = 321;
$hasPriceChanged = true;


// Do the same thing with $additionalData and $newPrice here as done in the listener
// You can use shouldBeCalled() and willReturn(...) or shouldNotBeCalled()
