In this example we are going to use Redis Hashes to store Go structs in cache. Although hash data types mainly represent objects, you should use hashes when possible. They also take very little space.

Our example is not meant to make perfect sense. The point is to show you, how a multidimensional struct could be stored and retrieved in Redis.


"ID": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b",
"User": {
"ID": "user-1",
"Name": "Robert De Niro",
"Permissions": [

Application layout

├── docker-compose.yaml
└── internal
├── domain
│   ├── auth
│   │   ├── cache.go
│   │   ├── permission.go
│   │   ├── token.go
│   │   └── user.go
│   └── repository
│   └── auth.go
└── storage
├── auth.go
└── auth_test.go



version: "3"

image: redis:6.0.6-alpine
command: redis-server --requirepass pass
- 6379:6379


package auth

func CacheHashKey(tokenID string) string {
return "app:auth:" + tokenID

func CacheHashField() string {
return "token"


package auth

type Permission string

const (
PermissionRead Permission = "Read"
PermissionWrite Permission = "Write"


package auth

import "encoding/json"

type Token struct {
ID string
User User

func (t *Token) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(t)

func (t *Token) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &t); err != nil {
return err

return nil


package auth

type User struct {
ID string
Name string
Permissions []Permission


package repository

import (


type Auth interface {
Create(ctx context.Context, token auth.Token) error
Find(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) (*auth.Token, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, token auth.Token) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) error


package storage

import (


type Auth struct {
rds *redis.Client

func NewAuth(rds *redis.Client) Auth {
return Auth{rds: rds}

func (a Auth) Create(ctx context.Context, token auth.Token) error {
if _, err := a.rds.HSetNX(ctx, auth.CacheHashKey(token.ID), auth.CacheHashField(), &token).Result(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create: redis error: %w", err)
a.rds.Expire(ctx, auth.CacheHashKey(token.ID), time.Minute)

return nil

func (a Auth) Find(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) (*auth.Token, error) {
result, err := a.rds.HGet(ctx, auth.CacheHashKey(tokenID), auth.CacheHashField()).Result()
if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("find: redis error: %w", err)
if result == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("find: not found")

token := &auth.Token{}
if err := token.UnmarshalBinary([]byte(result)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("find: unmarshal error: %w", err)

return token, nil

func (a Auth) Update(ctx context.Context, token auth.Token) error {
// Find token: a.rds.HGet()
// Override token: a.rds.HSet()

return nil

func (a Auth) Delete(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) error {
// Find token: a.rds.HGet()
// Delete token: a.rds.Del()

return nil


package storage

import (


var rds *redis.Client

func init() {
rds = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
Password: "pass",

func newToken(tokenID string) auth.Token {
return auth.Token{
ID: tokenID,
User: auth.User{
ID: "user-1",
Name: "Robert De Niro",
Permissions: []auth.Permission{

func TestAuth_Create(t *testing.T) {
storage := NewAuth(rds)

assert.NoError(t, storage.Create(context.Background(), newToken("d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820")))

func TestAuth_Find_Error(t *testing.T) {
storage := NewAuth(rds)

assert.NoError(t, storage.Create(context.Background(), newToken("98f13708210194c475687be6106a3b84")))

token, err := storage.Find(context.Background(), "unknown-token-id")
assert.Nil(t, token)
assert.Error(t, fmt.Errorf("find: not found"), err)

func TestAuth_Find_Success(t *testing.T) {
storage := NewAuth(rds)

assert.NoError(t, storage.Create(context.Background(), newToken("34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f")))

token, err := storage.Find(context.Background(), "34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.IsType(t, &auth.Token{}, token)

Redis CLI

localhost:6379> KEYS *
1) "app:auth:34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f"

localhost:6379> HGETALL app:auth:34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f
1) "token"
2) "{\"ID\":\"34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f\",\"User\":{\"ID\":\"user-1\",\"Name\":\"Robert De Niro\",\"Permissions\":[\"Read\",\"Write\"]}}"

localhost:6379> HGET app:auth:34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f token
"{\"ID\":\"34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f\",\"User\":{\"ID\":\"user-1\",\"Name\":\"Robert De Niro\",\"Permissions\":[\"Read\",\"Write\"]}}"